Supporting Staff
The history of Isoda Metal that has been engaging in manufacture of bearings is repeat of learning and improvement. The Company, that has succeeded its tradition and is further developing it, is still brushing up technologies and know-how continuously. Regardless of their titles or ages, all staff members are striving to enhance skills and knowledge about their works and to learn manufacturing processes and maintenance for bearing products and engines, including the metal engineering, thermodynamics and strength of materials. At the same time, we at the Company regard it important that the veteran workers hand over their skills and technologies to workers of the younger generation. Through the actual operations at the site, we are always trying to pass not only our skills and technologies on production but also our attitude and mind in creation of products down to the new generation of workers. For succession of skills and technologies beyond generations, communication is essential. By increasing opportunities of exchange between generations, we are tackling so that minds and consciousness toward tasks can be succeeded effectively. The most important factor in manufacture of bearings at Isoda Metal is the “human resources.” Bearings are parts that support shafts as the heart of engines. It is each staff member who supports the performance and quality of such bearing products. Each staff member supports mutually, and the history and tradition of Isoda Metal has been established by their support. Isoda Metal is proceeding based on bearings toward the future with the key word “Support.”